Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pearls of Wisdom

In my 25 years, I've learned mostly the following:

1.       Passing out before midnight on a Saturday night doesn’t make you lame, it makes you confident.
2.       Cottage cheese looks gross, but tastes amazing.
3.       Never do something yourself when you could bribe your sibling to do it for you.
4.       Although tempting, it’s usually a bad idea to keep your credit card in your back pocket rather than tucked safely in your wallet.
5.       It’s worth spending money on soft sheets and name brand hair products.
6.       Don't let anyone tell you coffee is bad for you.
7.       Belting an outfit really does make you look skinny.
8.       Dance parties are usually more satisfying in your kitchen than in a bar, particularly when they include a certain Wiley Goy.
9.       Eating pizza while drinking is never a bad idea.  Eating pizza is never a bad idea.
10.   Sometimes 12-year-olds have great taste in music.
11.   Never use a glue trap to catch a mouse unless you’re cold-hearted.
12.   Keep your deodorant in the fridge if the temperature gets above 90.
13.   Leave home at least twice.
14.   Procrastinate a lot, and then work harder.
15.    Childhood friends are worth keeping around, because you never know when you might all end up in NYC.
16.   Beware the transformative power of matching pajama sets.
17.   Bring plenty of water on all outdoorsy endeavors.
18.   Reunite.
19.   Travel far away when you have the money, but especially when you have the time.
20.   Create a secret language so you can be judgmental in public.
21.   Get a few speeding tickets because going fast is fun.
22.   Go on long walks with coffee and sandals.
23.   Consider meat.
24.   When shopping, never wear overalls, a sports bra, skinny jeans or shoes that tie.
25.   Flop frequently and flop well. 


  1. I hope to flop frequently and well with you for the rest of our lives. And if this sounds like a marriage proposal well... it isn't not.

  2. Dude, these are all so on point, but I'm particularly attached to #9 and #20. Also - I resent #15. Are you telling me the only reason you kept me around was because we might potentially be living in the same city one day? What about the time I flew down to California to road trip back with you? What about the time you came to visit New York and Claire threw up all over the Metronorth? Those are priceless memories worth keeping me around for in the first place.

  3. Also - can't believe you've been holding out on #12! GENIUS!

  4. These are so good i just snarfed the remnants of my apparently-decaf morning coffee

  5. #12, courtesy of Majken May.

    #26, always check to make sure you haven't accidentally bought a pound of decaf french roast.

  6. All wonderful. You flop like a woman of 26.
